Natural, healthy, happy eating | Hypnotherapy Brighton, Hove & Lewes


(chocolates, cake, biscuits, crisps, cheese, fast food, junk food, take aways etc)



Eating is a vital part of living, we cannot live without it. So when eating habits become problematic it can be challenging for people because unlike addictions to many other things, we cannot ‘give it up’.


Of course there are certain food types that people will commonly find themselves over indulging in such as cakes, chocolate, crisps and cheese that can be stopped, yet most people find that they want to have a balance with the foods they eat, rather than stopping altogether.


In order to find this balance one must create the right kind of relationship towards eating and food. It is our association towards the foods that makes us want them... or not.


Imagine for a moment the food that you are most drawn to, perhaps the one that you would also like to have control over. Think about how tasty it is, and what it looks like served just the way you like it. Maybe there is a certain aroma associated with it. This is probably something along the lines of what you do when you are craving.


Now, in your imagination, drizzle an ample amount of used engine oil all over that food and add a sprinkle of mature compost to garnish.
Picture it. Have a closer inspection and give it a sniff.


Does the food have the same appeal now?


Are you going to be used by your imagination, or are you going to chose to use your imagination for a change?



A treat is not a treat if you wolf it down, without fully appreciating it and feel guilty throughout the whole process.


That which you may have called a ‘treat’ is more like a form of self harm in the reality of what is going on. When you change your associations, and nurture the right kind of relationship, those foods will be easy to not eat because there will not be the same kinds of thoughts that you used to get about them.


If you've been finding it hard to control your eating habits, give me a call on 07949 989986 or email and see how I can help



Go to my Hypnosis Downloads page for an abundance of Eating related downloads that you can purchase if you wish



Brighton Hypnotherapy. Relationship Support with Possibilities Unlimited Hypnotherapist Kim Leader





Results may vary from person to person.



"I'm not obsessing about it like I had been, and to be honest I haven't really thought about food until I've been hungry"

Charlie Wilkins, Production Journalist, Brighton (22/06/09)

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